Sunday, November 22, 2009

Remembering Darwin and 'The Origin of Species'.

Genesis, the student-secretaried, science interface of my dept. MRDG (Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), is organizing a 1-day symposium to commemorate 150 years of the publication of 'Origin of Species', the seminal contribution by one of the most-gifted brains of human-kind, which defines our origins and perhaps predicts our future too.......
The symposium is on the 24th of November 2009, 9:30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

A snippet: IISc, is a rather plural (and democratic) place to be in. Such are its expanses of 'intellectual-freedom' (which nevertheless, from time-to-time gets ill-defined, by opportunist groups), that some of us also heard a talk on 'Devolution' or de-evolution; a totally ill-defined, ill (or no) evidenced piece of 'work' proclaiming that organisms (spl. Man) was 'perfect' earlier, and has been consistently devolving!!

                                 image of the symposium-poster

The details of the symp. are noted below:

Session I (9:30-11:30)

Vidyanand Nanjundiah,
IISc, Bangalore
Where are we today?

Ashok Sahni,
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Planet Earth: An Oasis in Space

Tea break (11-1130am)

Session II (11:30-1pm)

K.N. Ganeshaiah,
UAS, Bangalore
Behaviour in Plants

Rohini Balakrishnan IISc, Bangalore
Darwin and Mind

Lunch break

Session III (2:30-4:30 pm)

Renee Borges
IISc, Bangalore
On Erasmus Darwin

S G Kulkarni,
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Darwin and creativity

Concluding Remarks
High Tea


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